Sacramento County Office of Emergency Operations has recovery information and resources for re-entry, recovery, and eligibility for economic injury, physical damage, or individual assistance for both residents and businesses.
Step 1: Review Safety Information
Returning Home After a Flood
Step 2: Submit a Damage Assessment to the County
If your house, property or business has storm-related damage, report it your insurance providers and fill out the
Sacramento County Disaster Damage Report for inspection assessments of properties
Step 3: Options for Disaster Assistance
Loan Assistance through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Residents who suffered losses from the storms should contact their insurance companies first. Insurance delivers the majority of financial help in disasters. For losses not covered by insurance, residents can register for disaster assistance in a few ways:
- Online through MySBA Loan Portal
- Use the FEMA App
- Call 800-621-3362 or 800-462-7585 (TTY), or
Visit the Virtual Local Assistance Center, below:
To support residents and businesses that have suffered disaster-related losses or damages, Sacramento County has opened a Virtual Local Assistance Center (LAC) to provide recovery assistance and resources to recover from the 2022-2023 Winter Storm disaster.
The deadline to apply for FEMA disaster assistance is
March 16, 2023.
Disaster Loan Assistance through the Small Business Association (SBA)
The SBA offers disaster assistance in the form of low interest loans to businesses, nonprofit organizations, homeowners, and renters located in regions affected by declared disasters. SBA also provides eligible small businesses and nonprofit organizations with working capital to help overcome the economic injury of a declared disaster. There a few ways to apply:
The Hub
9072 Elk Grove Boulevard
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- The deadline to apply for SBA disaster assistance is
March 16, 2023.
Virtual Local Assistance Center for Disaster Recovery Resources
For Contractors, Builders, Workers, Employers
How To…
Get Help with Recovery
How to Help
Disaster Funding, Grants, Loans
Insurance Guide
Disaster Tax Information
Tax Instructions/Forms
Internal Damage Assessment (IDE)
The Initial Damage Estimate (IDE) includes all reported public property damage countywide.
These estimated numbers will change with additional detail and as inspections are vetted and refined from the preliminary estimates.
As of January 25, 2023:
Summary of Preliminary Internal Damage Assessment (IDE) Submitted for Reimbursement |
*Local Government
| $18,378,490.05
| $9,278.28
Public Safety
| $2,375,760.00
School Districts
| $3,324,059.00
Special Districts
| $53,262,975.00
| $55,898,450.00
(Preliminary) Total
| $133,249,012.33
- Local Government: Sacramento County, the County's Department of Water Resources and the cities within the County
- Other: 2-1-1.
- Utilities and Technology: Any district or agency that provides utility service (excluding County Dept of Water Resources).