SMRC is made up of licensed healthcare professionals such as physicians, nurses, paramedics, EMTs, mental health professionals, dentists, pharmacists, veterinarians, physical therapists and more. Community members without medical training such as translators, sign language interpreters, social workers, administrators, and public relations professionals also play a vital role in SMRC.
We especially need:
Active, inactive or retired licensed health care professionals in good standing
Mental health professionals
Public health professionals
Students of a health profession
- People with communications experience or interested in learning communications via radios.
All volunteers are welcomed to apply to become SMRC members, as there are many support functions in medical services. Applicants are required to be in good health, at least 18 years of age and have a valid driver’s license with access to an insured vehicle. They also agree to have a background check and provide access to employment and professional credential information.
Why should I apply to be a Sacramento Medical Reserve Corps Member?
During an emergency, local emergency service agencies, hospitals, and other healthcare organizations may not have the resources to care for an increased number of patients and may need to rely on healthcare volunteers for assistance. In order to be effective during times of emergencies, volunteers must be organized and trained to work in emergency situations. The SMRC is designed to provide the organizational structure and appropriate training to enable SMRC members to efficiently volunteer their skills and expertise. SMRC members are also protected through California’s Disaster Service Worker Volunteer program for workers compensation benefits.
Potential Duties
During an emergency:
- Assist first responders with field triage in a large scale disaster
Provide support to public health
Provide triage and assistance to hospitals in a surge
Provide medical related support to shelters
During times of non-emergency:
Promote public health campaigns and assist with immunization clinics
Staff first aid stations at community events
Provide health screenings at health fairs
Distribute health and preparedness information at local events
How much of a Commitment is required?
Different people will have different amount of time to give; some are not available year round, some may be interested in making only a minimal commitment during times of crisis or for other specific community needs, and others may have obligations such as work responsibilities that would conflict with SMRC activities.
The SMRC offers monthly membership training meetings and in addition to emergency response efforts, a variety of activities throughout the year.
The success of the SMRC is based on the availability of its volunteer members. Potential members are asked to consider any limitations that may interfere with their availability to respond when needed.
During an emergency, volunteer members may be needed during their normal work hours. Members should discuss this possibility with their employer and understand their employer’s policies.
These preferences are respected and can be discussed with the SMRC Coordinator so that you can be matched with your interests and capabilities.
SMRC Members agree to advise the program coordinator if:
They will be out-of-town or otherwise unavailable for periods of two weeks or more
Their ability to volunteer with the program is compromised and they are no longer available to serve as a volunteer
What training is required for the Medical Reserve Corps?
SMRC members are required to have current first aid certification, as well as current certification in CPR/AED for the Professional.
All SMRC members are required to complete the following courses which are available online at:
The Incident Command System (ICS) is a management model for command, control and coordination of an organization’s emergency response activities. It employs a management structure with defined responsibilities, clear reporting channels and common terms.
The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is a core set of doctrines, principles, terminology and organizational processes. These were developed by the Department of Homeland Security to be used in the planning and response to any emergency event on the local, regional, state and national levels. This consistent national wide approach allows “Federal, State and local governments to work together effectively and efficiently to prepare for, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents of any size, cause or complexity.”
Following the completion of the online training and exam you will receive a certificate of completion to your personal e-mail address. Please forward the e-mail to SMRC so the certificate may be copied for your file.
Additional training will be offered at monthly membership training meetings and on the job training will be provided as needed.
How do I volunteer for the Medical Reserve Corps?
To fill out and submit an application online using a computer or mobile device, go to or
View and print the Sacramento Medical Reserve Corps Volunteer Application. You will need Adobe Reader to view and print the application. You can
download Adobe Reader.
Applicants are also required to complete a background check, verify their medical licenses and/or certifications are active, and complete training courses.
SMRC members will be registered as Disaster Service Workers (DSW) as set forth by California law. Under the DSW program, volunteers are given limited immunity from liability.
SMRC members are eligible for Workers’ Compensation benefits as provided for by the State Legislature for injuries incurred while volunteering in an emergency or training.
All SMRC members understand that they may have access and exposure to confidential patient care information as a volunteer for the SMRC and that HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) confidentiality policies apply.
Who do I contact for more information about the Medical Reserve Corps?
For more information, or to apply to volunteer with SMRC please contact:
Lynn Pesley - Program Coordinator